
Good information is always written in a nice manner. Here, we enlighten you on stuffs that will help you to do things right.

Master the fundamentals of web design

In the term web design, there is the word design. Web hosting companies in Nigeria such as aonservers.com know design is important to attract clients. That is why their interface is amazing.
Web design explains the failure of many products on the market. When you properly analyze the failure of certain systems, you often find that things were very poorly designed from the start. The point is, when a product is misnamed, it has a hard time finding its audience. In some economically distressed societies, there is no design department at all. The problem sometimes comes simply from the fact that essential work is carried out by people who have absolutely no competence, the problem then comes not from the people present but from the absence of the competent people who should have been present for it. put projects on the right track. Conversely, many industries function and flourish thanks to the excellent designers they employ.

There are many reference books on design. The two keywords for design are "beautiful" and "function". You can create something beautiful without any particular purpose, except the beautiful in itself: in the field of art, for example. You can create something very useful without it being beautiful or not beautiful: in the urban field for example. You can also create something beautiful that is both very useful and something very useful that is both very beautiful. This is the meaning of design. And when beauty and function merge into one, it's a great design. The design applies to all disciplines, it adapts to all areas, it stands out for its universality. For example, we can designate an idea by modeling it with words for a result that is both aesthetic and useful to all, as in an article dealing with web design for example.

<h2>Fantastic web design, does it count</h2>

Design is transposed in all areas: the web is no exception to the rule. The importance that web design has taken over the past two decades comes from the rapid evolution of digital technologies since the creation of the internet between 1991 and 1993. Initially, the internet comes from a useful find that will turn out to be an idea brilliant: the idea that it would be much more practical to transfer data through the Internet than through floppy disks, especially when the one transmitting the data is miles away from the one who should receive it. In the early days of the Internet, web pages all looked more or less the same, a few very simple technologies and technologies - simple compared to today's sophisticated technical possibilities - were employed. It is as these technologies are developed and other technologies are created, for useful purposes and to improve the functionality of the web, that the possibilities of variation in terms of web design will multiply.

It is good to remember here that a website is above all text (letters and numbers). To designate is therefore to write. Most of the time, the images and style elements of a web page are "called" by the browser which displays on a computer screen what it reads in the files of the corresponding web page which are sent. by the host's server which hosts its website. These files are very often written in HTML, PHP, and javascript, but not exclusively. They generally contain the functional elements of a web page, everything which is of the order of aesthetics being processed thanks to ancillary files of digital type (in the case of photos, for example) or computer (in the case of photos).

Fantastic web design, does it count?

The fact that style elements and images are called up thanks to the first files read by browsers contributes to the performance of a website: instead of a web page being downloaded as a whole at once, which can take several seconds, the functional elements of a web page - and in particular the structure of the web page - will appear in priority before the images and the style elements. Often these different sequences cannot be seen at all with the naked eye. On some very heavy websites, or when the connection speed is particularly low, we can see the different download phases and how a wallpaper image will, for example, appear a second time after the appearance of the text of the page.

We can't talk about web design without talking about web technology. A web designer must also have skills both in terms of design and in terms of web technology. Its role is to create something beautiful and functional. If, for example, he creates a very beautiful web page which, for technical reasons, will display in about ten seconds, the result will not be suitable, even with an hourglass appearing on the screen to make the cybernaut wait. Marketing studies show that after 3 seconds of downloading, the average Internet user under 50 becomes impatient and annoyed. Also, the average time of downloading web pages, which amounts to 6.3 seconds according to GTmetrix, turns out to be an average well below the average that we would expect if we had to compare it to studies. A web designer must therefore check at the end of his work the performance of the page he has just designated. If the page downloads in more than 2 or 3 seconds, he can set up a digital hourglass on his page with a% ranging from 0 to 100 indicating to the Internet user the progress of the download of the web page he wants to consult.

The point is if a page loads in 4 or 5 seconds without an hourglass, the likelihood of the user leaving it is great. Whereas if the same page loads in 4 or 5 seconds with an hourglass, the probability that the user will not leave the page increases, despite its slowness. The hourglass catches his attention and entertains him, forces him to think about the remaining download time and all the while, the user thinks ... and the page ends up arriving on his screen. Here too, the web designer must take care of this "hourglass page": the more successful this page, the more it will increase the cybernaut's tolerance for waiting, and therefore their present time. Because one of the main objectives of a web page is obviously that a) the internet user accesses this web page b) the internet user stays on the web page c) the internet user easily navigates on other web pages of the website.